Law Enforcement
About the Law Enforcement Program
Students who successfully complete the Law Enforcement Services program will be prepared to enter the State Law Enforcement Academy. Law Enforcement experience and a four-year college degree open opportunities for employment with federal agencies and command positions in local and state law enforcement. Law Enforcement Services majors get jobs such as: police officer, deputy sheriff, correction officer, state trooper, magistrate, F.B.I agent, SLED agent or federal marshal.
Instructor for Protective Services
Phone: 803-432-8982
Degrees and Certifications:
Mr. Jeff Cooper
After 15 years as an active law enforcement officer, I began the Protective Services program at ATEC.
I am the father of 3 sons, and I have been married for 26 years to Lori Cooper, also a teacher for KCSD.
I know you will enjoy being a student at WTC!