Graphic Communications
About the Graphic Communications Program
Graphic Communications majors get jobs such as: press operators, typesetters, layout artists, computer illustrators, photo imaging technicians, web designers and photographers.
Instructor for Graphic Communications
Phone: 803-425-8982
Degrees and Certifications:
Mr. Walker P. Canada
I am a proud product of The Applied Technology Education Campus, actually the Kershaw County Vocational Center at the time. I was fortunate to have completed both Commercial Art and Graphic Communications under the direction of two great instructors, EJ Ham and Rusty Davis. Without ATEC and two great instructors, I am sure my life would be very different today. I truly love graphics. It has been great for me. I loved it in high school, I loved it in college, I loved it in industry and I love teaching it to others. Many things have changed at ATEC since I graduated. Perhaps the largest change is the name and move to the new facility, Woolard Technology Center (WTC). One thing, however, hasn’t changed. Instructors, administrators, counselors, and support staff all strive to see our students succeed.