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Agriculture and Animal Science

About the Agriculture Program

Here in the agriculture program, we offer a wide variety of opportunities to students. At the local level, we are very active in the community and participate in community service events year-round. Our chapter also travels across the state and nation to participate in leadership camps, conventions, workshops, and more. We are all about student growth! We also compete in various Career Development Events (CDE). These are competitions where we get to practice skills and test our knowledge from the classroom. Students get access to scholarships and job opportunities when they become official FFA members. 


  • OSHA 10
  • Elanco Fundamentals of Animal Science
  • Elanco Veterinary Medical Applications

Organizations: The WTC Kershaw County FFA Chapter is located in the heart of Kershaw County in Camden, South Carolina. The chapter was originally chartered in 2011 with the name ATEC Kershaw FFA and has since seen immense growth. In August of 2020, the chapter was officially renamed in order to represent the agriculture program and FFA chapter moving into the newly constructed Woolard Technology Center. Please contact the FFA advisor and agriculture teacher Ms. Audrey Cutlip for more information.

Instructor for Agriculture and Animal Science


Phone: (803) 425-8982


Mrs. Audrey Cathcart

Born and raised in Blythewood, I am blessed to find myself at home in Camden, South Carolina at WTC. I am a graduate of Clemson University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Agricultural Education. 

My vision is to see the security of agriculture safely in the hands of our future generations. I am passionate about all things agriculture but my specialty is animal science! I am looking forward to this school year and cannot wait to take the agriculture program to new heights. 

Agriculture - Plant and Animal Systems Course Listing

Plant and Animal Systems majors get jobs such as: agricultural economist, farmer/rancher, agricultural educator, food scientist, agricultural sales representative, food inspector, animal geneticist, aqua culturist, meat graders, animal nutritionist, microbiologist, bioengineer, plant breeder and geneticist, biochemist, reproductive physiologist, botanist, soil and water conservationist, certified crop advisor, tree surgeon, veterinarian, education and extension specialist, veterinary assistants.