National Technical Honor Society
Our mission is to honor student achievement and leadership, promote educational excellence, and enhance career opportunities for the NTHS members, and our vision is to be the leader in providing recognition for excellence in career and technical education and creating significant occupational opportunities for America's top workforce education students.
Eligibility Requirements
Eligibility requirements to join the NTHS:
1 - Be a Career and Technology Education (CTE) completer.
2 - Required to earn an “A” in both level 1 and 2 classes. This means students need to have already taken level 1 earning a grade of 90% or higher and be currently enrolled in the level 2 class with a current grade of 90% or higher.
3 - Need to have an overall GPA of at least 3.5.
4 - No major disciplinary record.
Benefits of Membership: 1 - You will receive a graduation cord to wear during your graduation ceremony signifying your membership in the NTHS. 2 - You will be eligible to apply for the NTHS $1000 scholarship and potentially other NTHS scholarships. 3 - It is a great award to list on your resume and/or college application. 4 - You will be a part of the NTHS induction ceremony in the Spring at WTC for all new members.